Asian Investment Team

Asian Investment Team







亚洲食品零售商 - 为在新西兰经营食品的零售商和就特许经营系统的运作提供法律咨询服务,包括马来西亚,日本,中国和韩国的知名品牌。

媒体 - 为著名的新西兰中文媒体供应商、电视和电影制作公司、以及电视频道供应商提供法律咨询服务。


进口商/出口商 -为许多营养保健品、药品零售商,和进出口商提供法律咨询服务。

葡萄园和酿酒厂 - 海外投资办公室(OIO)批准亚洲最大的私营公司之一的大型葡萄园收购案。

海外房地产开发商 -就中国,马来西亚,韩国和柬埔寨的开发商购买大量土地分割项目,在尽职调查、投资协议、海外投资办公室问题,以及收购和融资问题上提供咨询。

制造公司 - 为一家国际品牌公司收购大型制造工厂提供法律咨询,该公司将用于为在新西兰销售的产品提供服务。

私人投资集团 - 就拟收购奥克兰大片农村土地提供咨询,是一个价值超过1亿纽币的大型分割项目。

软件开发 - 协助多家企业为适应西方市场而调整其中文软件。







Asian Investment Team

Martelli McKegg's Asian Investment Team combines lawyers in all of our teams to provide you with high quality legal advice and solutions in Mandarin and Cantonese. We can help you solve all legal matters and help you achieve your goals in a way that fits you and your business. Our reputation is based on experience and reliability.

We are especially well known for advising international companies, large property developers, high net worth clients, and well-known businessmen and celebrities.

We focus on providing strategic and practical solutions to complex and time consuming problems.  This often means that we are more cost-effective and effective.

We are affiliated to 17 law offices in Asia and more than 180 law firms worldwide through our membership to Meritas® premier legal network of law firms. This network allows us to easily assist clients throughout most of the main commercial hubs in Asia.

Below are some examples of work undertaken by our firm:

  • Asian Food Retailers - advising food retailers and franchise systems operating in New Zealand including famous brands in Malaysia, Japan, China, and Korea.
  • Media - advising a well-known New Zealand Chinese media provider, TV and film production companies, and TV channel providers.
  • Financing - advising high net worth individuals who are providing one to one private lending to small businesses, builders and property developers.
  • Importers/Exporters - advising a number of nutraceuticals and pharmaceutical retailers and importers/exporters.
  • Vineyards and Wineries - Overseas Investment Office approval to acquire a number of vineyards for one of the largest privately owned companies in Asia.
  • Overseas Property Developers - advising on due diligence, investment agreements, overseas investment office issues, and acquisitions and financing issues in relation to the purchase of a large number of land subdivision projects for Chinese, Malaysian, Korean, and Cambodian developers.
  • Manufacturing Company - advising on the acquisition of a large manufacturing plant by a branded international company, which was to be used to service products sold in New Zealand.
  • Private Investment Group - advising on the proposed acquisition of large parcels of rural land in Auckland valued over $100 million for a large subdivision project.
  • Software Development - assisting several businesses adapting Chinese software for the Western market.

Our firm's expertise are divided into four main areas:

  • Real Estate and Overseas Investment: including real estate transactions, real estate development and resource management, application to OIO for approval, property company matters, leaking building claims, disputes (real estate, buildings and buildings)
  • Commercial: including banking and loan, investment, commercial contract drafting, corporate consulting, mergers and acquisitions, intellectual property and information technology, software licensing agreements, and franchising.
  • Trusts & Estates: including trust and asset planning and conservation, Wealth Management, Trust and Heritage Litigation, Will and Legacy Management.
  • Litigation: including bankruptcy and creditor rights, dispute resolution and court, and employment relationship

If you need to seek legal advice on any of the above areas, please feel free to contact the members from our Asian investment team.

Got a question?

Here's how to get in touch:

If you have any legal queries or need the expert advice of our team then call us on +64 9 379 7333 or leave us a message below.
