Relationship & Family Law
Difficult situations, positive outcomes
Relationship & Family Law
Divorce and separation, childcare disputes, and how your family dynamics can impact on wills and trusts can be incredibly stressful to navigate, even for the most level-headed people. Our Relationship and Family Law team create a clear path through the chaos, helping all parties reach a positive outcome wherever possible.
Family Law
With our experienced, compassionate team on your side, it's much easier to navigate complex legal and emotional issues with grace. Whether you're creating a property agreement at the beginning of a relationship or dividing assets and negotiating custody at the end of one, we can help ensure that you reach a fair outcome. While we try to resolve issues through alternative dispute resolution, we'll also strongly advocate for you in court.
Family Law services include:
- Advice on issues relating to the Property (Relationships) Act, 1976
- Relationship property agreements (pre-nups) - matrimonial or de-facto
- Family property agreements including division of assets
- Divorce and separation agreements
- Court proceedings
- Alternative dispute resolution, mediation and collaborative law
- Childcare / custody / guardianship issues
- Paternity
- Adoption
- Trust and estate restructuring
- Family violence
- Requiring financial support from a spouse or applying for spousal maintenance
- Issues arising out of death of a family member (estate disputes)
- Getting appointed Property Manager or Welfare Guardian for your loved ones who have lost capacity
- Child support
Got a question?
Here's how to get in touch:
If you have any legal queries or need the expert advice of our team then call us on +64 9 379 7333 or leave us a message below.